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Digital Sponsorships

The right vehicle to reach all primary healthcare professionals

The demand for digital CME is higher than ever today, and Pri-Med’s online learning platform, has become an increasingly important resource for medical professionals. Leverage digital sponsorships to engage with clinicians throughout the year or reinforce your conference message.

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Pri-Med NOW offers Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, and other primary care individuals, a complimentary membership that provides unrestricted access to an on-demand library with 26 hours of continuing medical education.

Your program will be introduced to over 13,000 members and will include:

  • An online video and slide show of your presentation, pre-recorded and lasting 30-60 minutes
  • Video recording of your CME/OLA program, including rehearsal and precoaching, editing, and placement behind a gated registration wall.
  • Extra promotion to our primary care professionals prospect database (Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Pharmacists throughout Canada)
  • Programs can be hosted for up to 12-months.
  • Estimated viewership of 150 members over a 12 month period.
  • Receive quarterly participation reports.

Audience Demographics


of primary care professionals in Canada are interested
in self-directed on-demand learning.

For pricing and other inquires, please contact our sales team.


Director of Sales

[email protected]
Cell: 905-376-0402